Trade Show Onsite Services

At your side on the big day.

This certainly, absolutely, 100% is not our first rodeo.

When you’re on the exhibition floor, you have one mission: impress the heck out of everyone attending. But you can’t do that if you’re running around tending to your booth. Leave all that to us.

Property (Asset) Management

The Exhibit Manager program provides web-based, at-your-fingertips property (asset) management so any questions about exhibit inventory and related properties can be resolved quickly and efficiently.

Setup and Teardown

As a full-service trade show company, we have the experience and expertise to safely and efficiently complete the setup, installation and dismantling of all trade show booths and related displays and equipment all around the world as an approved Exhibit Appointed Contractor, or EAC as it’s referred to in that paperwork.

Union Labor Management

Our team is familiar with all the rules and regulations set forth by all major exhibit centers as part of keeping up with our EAC services to stay within regulation. Therefore, we can effectively supervise any on-site union labor to ensure your exhibit is constructed correctly and in the most cost-effective manner possible.


With intimate knowledge about how all the major exhibit centers operate, we have the ability to complete any trade show forms that allow you to request specific conference services, equipment rentals, cleaning requirements, electrical requests, floral arrangements, transportation needs, etc.


We are intimately familiar with all the regulations and requirements of the major freight companies and can work collectively with them and you to ensure that your freight costs are as bottom-line friendly as possible while still guaranteeing on-time delivery.


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