How the ‘4-10 Plan’ Impacted DeanHouston’s Reopening Approach
To ensure social distancing, we decided on a 4-10 reopening plan.
What’s 4-10?
The 4-10 is a rotational plan dividing the office into two groups so only 50% of our staff is in the office at any one time (while wearing their PPE, of course).
Group 1 will work 4 days in the office (Monday-Thursday) and then 6 days from home. When Group 1 is working from home, Group 2 will rotate and work 4 days in the office (Monday-Thursday) and 6 days from home.
Both groups will work from home on Fridays.
Where’d the Idea Come From?
This reopening strategy has been recommended by The New York Times as one of the most effective return to the office tactics. According to a recent New York Times article, the 4-10 is recommended for many reasons, one being the possibility the 4-10 provides to “exploit” a key property of the virus: “its latent period, the three-day delay on average between the time a person is infected and the time he or she can infect others.”
The 4-10 also allows us to take advantage of the virus’s “weak spot” by reducing the density of people at work and weaken the transmission of the virus.
The Most Important Thing to Remember
Even though the 4-10 is one of the best strategies to get some normalcy back into our lives, it is essential that we continue to monitor the local situation and prepare for the local government to reverse phases if infection rates begin to rise again.
Flexibility and nimbleness will be key to navigating the future of this pandemic.