Posts in "blog" Tag

While cities and states are reopening their doors and returning more to a state of semi-normalcy, not every company is ready to send people around the country to trade shows and industry events, especially when budgets are down.  But that’s not necessarily a bad thing. You’ve spent the past year adjusting to the realities of […]

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If you have concerns about making the right impact or juggling the logistics of attending your industry’s big trade show, there’s always another option that lets you take matters into your own hands: Host your own.  While that might seem like an intimidating concept, holding your own symposium comes with a variety of benefits that […]

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Now that trade shows are opening their doors again, there are many questions surrounding a successful return to in-person events. One of the earliest and biggest questions is whether to purchase or rent your display – or go for a mix of the two. This article will help you identify the pros and cons of […]

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After a chaotic year of ups and downs, you now find yourself staring down the long journey back to “business as usual.” Among the many steps on that journey is the return of in-person trade shows. After months of virtual events, approaching these shows might feel more intimidating than it has in years past, which […]

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After spending months working remotely, businesses are beginning to transition employees back into office environments. With this transition comes the responsibility to remain as sanitary as possible.  As many of us adjust to wearing face masks for extended periods of time, it’s important to recognize that potentially harmful substances can build up on your mask […]

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Businesses are having to remain flexible navigating this pandemic, especially when it comes to properly reopening offices. At DeanHouston, we put in hours of research to find out what documentation was needed to safely and successfully reopen. To ensure we covered all of our bases, we created an official reopening policy documentation process for referencing […]

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After months of working from home, businesses are slowly beginning to transition their employees back to an office environment. While adjusting to new routines, teams must quickly adapt to new safety protocols and social distancing guidelines in order to be safe around others. Because it is up to employees to comply with these new rules, […]

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